Your Sea Moss Guide
- Once unboxed refrigerate immediately
- Once opened keep refrigerated
- Consume within 14 days
What is Sea Moss?
Sea moss is a type of algue that is found in the Atlantic sea. its scientific name is ... Sea moss is best known for its super food properties as it contains 92 minerals, such as iodine, iron and magnesium.For centuries people have been using moss for holistic healing purposes due to its mineral rich content.
You can use, eat and consume sea moss in so many ways. Here are some ideas below. Visit our instagram page for video recipes. @sipp_tea
- Add to smoothies (most common way to consume)
- A spoon in your herbal tea
- Use as a base for a face mask /or put directly on the face & skin
- Add to soups
- Add to porridge oats
- Dissolve in your bath (for extra minerals)
- Eat straight from the jar! (for those that don't mind the natural taste)